Become a Bird and Fly!
story of a boy who slowly becomes a bird and flies - or
does he?
Illustrated by Caldecott award winning artist, Peter Parnall.
Millbrook Press.1992.
an example of a boys imagination making a desire real,
Ross and Parnalls story is exhilarating and powerful...A
tribute to the power of imagination and the beauty of wildlife."
Jan. 1993
Faces in all Kinds of Places:
A Worm's Eye View of Flowers
In this
delightful story, young readers are introduced to the world
of flowers through the eyes of a curious worm as she explores
her rooftop. Scientific concepts, language, and facts are
presented with simple text, engaging fantasy, and whimsical
illustrations. Includes a list of flowers used in the illustrations
and a diagram of flower parts.
Happy Camper Handbook:
A Guide to Camping for Kids and their Parents
(includes book, flashlight and whistle)
how-to camping book for kids is a humorously informal guide
for beginners. Surprisingly thorough, it includes suggestions
for getting started in the yard--- or even your bedroom.
It covers just about all aspects of camping including map
reading, bear bagging, Morse code, games, safety. It includes
a small flashlight (to help you avoid getting lost) and
whistle (in case you get lost anyway). The book admirably
achieves it stated goal: to communicate the joys of camping
while teaching safety, responsibility, and stewardship of
the out-of-doors.
Motorland Magazine
National Park Service Children's Book Award 1996
What Makes Everything Go?
An Energy Primer
a light-hearted introduction to important energy concepts
for children ages five and up. Using whimsical drawings,
the author touches on such topics as what is energy, book
energy, transfer energy, energy resources, and efficiency.
The book has been widely used in classrooms and living rooms
to help young people understand a key topic for our age.
Well-written, engaging, and entertaining, this is science
for kids at its best.
California Extension Service called this "a charming
book which describes energy basics for first to third graders
(and children of all ages) through delightful illustrations
and a clear text."
The World of Small:
Nature Explorations with a Hand Lens
(includes book and hand lens)
humorous language and oddball perspective, expressing child-like
curiosity, Ross explains how to operate a hand lens and
thus enter a "miniature realm [where] a pebble can
look like the moon." Nearly 60 different lessons lead
to eye-popping observations: bird feathers are zipper, dragonfly
wings are stained glass windows, wild seeds are shaped like
kayaks (he explains why), a dustball contains elements from
other galaxies.
Of interest to science lovers as well as those who
snooze through textbook science, this book is a source of
entertainment and reference that could keep some enthusiasts
busy for years."
May 1993
Kid's Golden Gate:
Guide to Family Adventures in the National
Parks at the Golden Gate
Yosemite Fun Book:
A Kid's Guide to Yosemite
'fun book' for children is full of activities designed to
entertain kids while they learn about Yosemite. There are
lots of pages to color, but this much more than a coloring
book. Many outdoor games are presented, as well as ideas
for things to do in the park. Using the book, children can
design and color an Indian basket pattern, read a Miwok
Indian legend, keep a list of the animals they see, learn
new campfire songs, tell Yosemite jokes and riddles and
by the National Park Service as an Outstanding Children's